Locomotive Class

Ivatt Class 2

Ivatt Class 2 Class: Ivatt Class 2
Type: Steam
Designer: George Ivatt
Weight: 84 tons (including tender)
Purpose: Mixed Traffic

Information: While elderly 0-6-0 tender engines formed the back-bone of London Midland Railways (LMS) prior to being absorbed by British Railways, the need for a modern light weight all-purpose mixed traffic locomotive with unlimited route availability was deemed necessary by contemporary management. The Class 2 locomotives with a 2-6-0 wheel arrangement and tender were designed for the LMS and continued to be built as an early Standard Design under the auspices of British Railways; although with minor modifications to the Standardised Design of Robert Riddles after nationalisation.

Details: Tender versions of the 2-6-2T locomotive were designed for increased range on routes requiring a small mixed traffic locomotive on the many branch-lines operated by the LMS. George Ivatt was responsible for over-seeing design and manufacture of 128 class members; predominantly built at Crewe between 1946 and 1953. In 1948 the railways of Britain were nationalized and before the Modernisation Plan was put in effect the Class 2 design was seen as a modern versatile machine capable of mixed traffic workings through-out Britain and ultimately inspired the Standard Class 2 tender locomotive design of Robert Riddles in 1952.
Because of nationalisation of the railways, the design was seen as a stop gap measure for replacing ancient 0-6-0 designs on other regions and consequently 38 of the total built were constructed at Doncaster for use on Eastern Region workings and a further 25 were built at Swindon for use on Western Region metals.
The class was all out-shopped in mixed traffic black livery in either LMS or lined British Railways guise. Many of the Swindon built machines were ultimately repainted in lined green livery.
Like the later Class 2 standards designed by Robert Riddles, the original machines quickly fell into their designated duty with-out fanfare. Class members were gradually withdrawn as branch-lines were eradicated between 1961 and 1967. Due to their weight and route availability, they have proven successful with Heritage Railway workings and 7 members have been preserved in various working condition.

John Faulkner

Ivatt Class 2 Releases (3)

Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive
Released: 1978 1979 1980 1981
46521 B.R. Green
Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive
Released: 1974 1975 1976 1977
46400 B.R. Black
Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive
Released: 1980
6413 L.M.S. Black

Ivatt Class 2 Images (3)

Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive
Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive 46521

Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive
Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive 46400

Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive
Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive 6413

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