

Logo & Box Style:
Train Sets: 9
Models: 92
Locomotives (All): 25
Steam Locomotives: 16
Diesel Electric Locomotives: 9
Train Packs: 1
Passenger Rolling Stock: 21
Freight Rolling Stock: 36

View 1979 Price List
3rd January 1979 (UK)

1979 Train Set Images
1979 Steam Locomotive Images
1979 Diesel Electric Locomotive Images
1979 Train Pack Images
1979 Passenger Rolling Stock Images
1979 Freight Rolling Stock Images

All 1979 Images

1979 Publications

1979 Hornby Railways OO Catalogue 1979 25th Edition Catalogue 25th Edition Hornby Railways OO Catalogue 1979 25th Edition
1979 Hornby Railways Track Plans 5th Edition - A comprehensive guide to building Hornby layouts Track Plans 5th Edition Hornby Railways Track Plans 5th Edition - A comprehensive guide to building Hornby layouts
1979 The Hornby Book Of Trains - 25 Year Edition History 25 Year Edition The Hornby Book Of Trains - 25 Year Edition

1979 Train Sets (9)

1979 R.787 B.R. Express Freight Set
1979 R.785 B.R. Freight Set
1979 R.789 B.R. High Speed Train Set
1979 R.790 B.R. Inter-City Set
1979 R.788 G.W.R. Branch Passenger Set
1979 R.783 G.W.R. Freight Set
1979 R.791 L.M.S. Express Passenger Set
1979 R.784 L.M.S. Local Goods Set
1979 R.786 L.N.E.R. Heavy Goods Set

1979 Steam Locomotives (16)

1979 R.077 0-4-0 Locomotive No. 101 G.W.R. G.W.R. Green 101
1979 R.058 Class 3F Jinty Tank Locomotive B.R. B.R. Black 47458
1979 R.052 Class 3F Jinty Tank Locomotive L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 16440
1979 R.842 Class 5 Locomotive L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 4657
1979 R.041 Class 57XX Pannier Tank Locomotive G.W.R. G.W.R. Green 8751
1979 R.063 Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia B.R. B.R. Green 70000
1979 R.065 Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star B.R. B.R. Green 92220
1979 R.845 Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Apple Green 4472
1979 R.350 Class A4 Locomotive - Mallard B.R. B.R. Green 60022
1979 R.866 Class B12 Locomotive L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Apple Green 8509
1979 R.353 Class E2 0-6-0T Locomotive L.B.S.C. L.B.S.C. Brown 100
1979 R.066 Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Sutherland L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 6233
1979 R.761 Hall Class Locomotive - Kneller Hall G.W.R. G.W.R. Green 5934
1979 R.852 Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green 46521
1979 R.078 King Class Locomotive - King Edward I G.W.R. G.W.R. Green 6024
1979 R.357 Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - Duke Of Sutherland L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 5541

1979 Diesel Electric Locomotives (9)

1979 R.156 Class 08 0-6-0 Diesel Shunter B.R. B.R. Green 13012
1979 R.072 Class 25 (Type 2) Bo-Bo Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green D7596
1979 R.068 Class 25 (Type 2) Bo-Bo Locomotive B.R. B.R. Blue 25247
1979 R.080 Class 29 (Type 2) Bo-Bo Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green D6110
1979 R.084 Class 29 (Type 2) Bo-Bo Locomotive B.R. B.R. Blue 6124
1979 R.074 Class 35 Hymek (Type 3) Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green D7063
1979 R.751 Class 37 (Type 3) Co-Co Locomotive B.R. B.R. Blue 37130
1979 R.073 Class 47 (Type 4) Co-Co Locomotive - Mammoth B.R. B.R. Green D1670
1979 R.352 Western Class 52 Locomotive - Western Courier B.R. B.R. Maroon D1062

1979 Train Packs (1)

1979 R.069 - R.070 Class 253 HST Power And Dummy Power Car B.R. B.R. Blue 253001

1979 Passenger Rolling Stock (21)

1979 R.438 B.R. Brake Third Coach B.R. B.R. Crimson & Cream M26545
1979 R.923 B.R. Buffet Car (RMB) B.R. B.R. Blue & Grey 1805
1979 R.437 B.R. Composite Coach B.R. B.R. Crimson & Cream M4329
1979 R.428 B.R. Mk III Inter-City Open 1st B.R. B.R. Blue & Grey 00
1979 R.439 B.R. Mk III Inter-City Open 2nd B.R. B.R. Blue & Grey M12006
1979 R.922 B.R. Mk.2 Brake Second Class Corridor Coach (BSK) B.R. B.R. Blue & Grey M9439
1979 R.921 B.R. Mk.2 Second Class Open Coach (SO) B.R. B.R. Blue & Grey M5232
1979 R.924 B.R. Second Class Sleeping Car (SLSTP) B.R. B.R. Blue & Grey 2510
1979 R.430 G.W.R. Brake Third Coach G.W.R. G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 4913
1979 R.429 G.W.R. Composite Coach G.W.R. G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 6024
1979 R.454 G.W.R. Composite Restaurant Car G.W.R. G.W.R. Goods 9578
1979 R.213 G.W.R. Four Wheel Coach G.W.R. G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 12
1979 R.434 L.M.S. Brake Third Coach L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 5644
1979 R.433 L.M.S. Composite Coach L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 3934
1979 R.413 L.M.S. Royal Mail Coach Set L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 30250
1979 R.436 L.N.E.R. Brake Composite Coach L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Teak 4237
1979 R.435 L.N.E.R. Composite Coach L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Teak 22357
1979 R.448 L.N.E.R. First Class Sleeping Car L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Teak 1316
1979 R.229 Pullman First Class Parlour Car Pullman Pullman Brown & Gold Lucille
1979 R.432 S.R. Brake Third Coach S.R. S.R. Olive Green 1405
1979 R.431 S.R. Composite Coach S.R. S.R. Olive Green 1384

1979 Freight Rolling Stock (36) (3 Uncatalogued)

1979 R.235 45 Ton GLW Open Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods 110003
1979 R.236 45 Ton GLW Steel Carrier B.R. B.R. Goods 400105
1979 R.739 75 Ton Operating Breakdown Crane B.R. B.R. Maintenance DB966111
1979 R.738 Anglo Continental Ferry Van B.R. B.R. Goods GB787102
1979 R.097 Arnolds Sands 5 Plank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 803
1979 R.218 B.R. 20 Ton Brake Van B.R. B.R. Goods B952698
1979 R.239 B.R. Mineral Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B385760
1979 R.242 B.R. Ventilated Van B.R. B.R. Goods E784690
1979 R.101 Bannockburn Coke Wagon Private Private Owner Goods No.4
1979 R.096 Bestwood 5 Plank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 655
1979 R.105 Birds Eye Closed Van Private Private Owner Goods 14901
1979 R.136 Bolsover Mineral Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 6390
1979 R.126 Car Transporter B.R. B.R. Goods None
1979 R.119 CIE 5 Plank Wagon CIÉ CIÉ Goods 11895
1979 R.121 CIE Insulated Container Van CIÉ CIÉ Goods CIE IRL 2007
1979 R.232 Consett Iron Ore Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 1441
1979 R.008 Esso Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods None
1979 R.633 Freightliner Wagon B.R. B.R. Container None
1979 R.018 G.W.R. 20 Ton Brake Van - Saltney G.W.R. G.W.R. Goods 114925
1979 R.240 G.W.R. Wagon with Sheet Rail G.W.R. G.W.R. Goods 102971
1979 R.098 L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van L.M.S. L.M.S. Goods 730386
1979 R.671 L.M.S. 6 Wheel Insulated Milk Van L.M.S. L.M.S. Goods 3855
1979 R.137 McVities Biscuits Closed Van Private Private Owner Goods None
1979 R.215 N.E. Brake Van L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Goods 178595
1979 R.220 Norstand Mineral Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 480
1979 R.127 Operating Crane Truck B.R. B.R. Maintenance No.127
1979 R.670 Palethorpes 6 Wheel Closed Van Private Private Owner Goods None
1979 R.125 Prestwin Twin Silo Wagon Private Private Owner Goods B873001
1979 R.216 Prime Pork Closed Van Private Private Owner Goods E71011
1979 R.010 Pugh & Co Open Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 380
1979 R.106 S.R. Sheep Wagon S.R. S.R. Goods 51915
1979 R.020 Shell Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 500
1979 R.227 Shell Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods None
1979 R.135 Smiths Foods Closed Van Private Private Owner Goods None
1979 R.231 Texaco Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 500
1979 R.007 United Dairies Milk Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods None

Top 6 Models

1. Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth
2. Class A1 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
3. Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
4. Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia
5. Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star
6. L.N.E.R. Composite Coach

View the latest full Model Rankings.

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11,328 yearly Items over 57 Years.
4,069 individual Items.
3,707 Models.
362 catalogued Train Sets.
156 Train Packs.
820 Steam Locomotives.
497 Diesel Locomotives.
1,082 Passenger Coaches.
1,152 Freight Wagons.

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