Railway Company

London Midland & Scottish Railway

London Midland & Scottish Railway

Company: London Midland & Scottish Railway
Abbreviation: L.M.S.
Country: U.K.
Information: The biggest of Britains big four post grouping railway companies formed in 1923. Made up from 34 company lines including the Caledonian, Midland and Somerset & Dorset Joint Railways. Express trains from London to Glasgow were a feature of this company.

London Midland & Scottish Railway Liveries (4)

L.M.S. Crimson (87) Loco & Coach L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Black (42) Locomotive L.M.S. Black
L.M.S. Blue (12) Loco & Coach L.M.S. Blue
L.M.S. Goods (22) Goods L.M.S. Goods

London Midland & Scottish Railway Releases (163)

0-4-0T Pug Locomotive
Released: 1998 1999 2000
11232 L.M.S. Black
0-4-0T Pug Locomotive
Released: 2000 2001 2002
11250 L.M.S. Black
Caledonian Single Class Locomotive - Limited Edition
Released: 2008
14010 L.M.S. Black
Cattle Wagon
Released: 1956 1957
None L.M.S. Goods
Class 08 Diesel Electric Shunter
Released: 2003
3973 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 0F 0-4-0ST Locomotive 16023 L.M.S. Black
Class 0F 0-4-0ST Locomotive
Released: 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
16030 L.M.S. Black
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 1999 2000 2001
579 L.M.S. Black
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
644 L.M.S. Black
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 1999
645 L.M.S. Black
Class 3F 0-6-0 Locomotive
Released: 2008r 2009r
7413 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive
Released: 2007
7412 L.M.S. Black
Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive
Released: 2010r 2011r
16440 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive
Released: 2010 2011
7413 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive (Weathered)
Released: 2005 2006 2007 2008
16624 L.M.S. Black
Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive (Weathered)
Released: 2006
16700 L.M.S. Black
Class 3F Jinty Tank Locomotive 16440 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 3F Tank Locomotive
Released: 1971 1972 1973 1974
7606 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 4MT 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 2008 2009
2484 L.M.S. Black
Class 4MT Tank Locomotive
Released: 1972w
2642 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 1980 1981 1982
2300 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 1984 1985
2345 L.M.S. Black
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 1992 1993 1994 1995
2312 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 1996 1997
2309 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 1994 1995
2301 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 2002
2305 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 2003 2004
2311 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 2004
2341 L.M.S. Black
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 2005 2006 2007
2321 L.M.S. Black
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Released: 2007 2008
2546 L.M.S. Black
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Released: 1981 1982 1983
1000 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Released: 2011r
1000 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 5 Locomotive
Released: 1978 1979 1980 1981
4657 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 5 Locomotive
Released: 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
5138 L.M.S. Black
Class 5 Locomotive
Released: 1987 1988 1989
5241 L.M.S. Black
Class 5 Locomotive
Released: 2002
5055 L.M.S. Black
Class 5 Locomotive
Released: 2006 2007 2008
5036 L.M.S. Black
Class 5 Locomotive
Released: 2009r 2010r 2011r
5112 L.M.S. Black
Class 5 Locomotive - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition
Released: 2003
5000 L.M.S. Black
Class 5MT Locomotive - Black Five
Released: 1976 1977
5112 L.M.S. Black
Class 8F Locomotive
Released: 1970w 1971w 1972w
8042 L.M.S. Black
Class 8F Locomotive
Released: 1988 1989
8193 L.M.S. Black
Class 8F Locomotive
Released: 1990 1991 1992
8027 L.M.S. Black
Class 8F Locomotive
Released: 1996 1997
8035 L.M.S. Black
Class 8F Locomotive
Released: 2002 2003 2004 2005
8510 L.M.S. Black
Class 8F Locomotive
Released: 2004
8453 L.M.S. Black
Class 8F Locomotive
Released: 2005 2006
8400 L.M.S. Black
Class 8F Locomotive (Weathered)
Released: 2002 2003 2004 2005
8042 L.M.S. Black
Class 8P Locomotive - The Princess Royal
Released: 1984 1985
6200 L.M.S. Crimson
Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - City Of Stoke On Trent
Released: 1970w 1971w 1972w
6254 L.M.S. Black
Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - Coronation 6220 L.M.S. Blue
Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - King George VI 6244 L.M.S. Crimson
Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Birmingham
Released: 2001 2002 2003 2004
6235 L.M.S. Crimson
Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Bristol
Released: 1985 1986
6237 L.M.S. Crimson
Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Edinburgh
Released: 2002 2003 2004
6241 L.M.S. Black
Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Saint Albans (Royal Doulton)
Released: 1996
6253 L.M.S. Black
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Hamilton - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition
Released: 2008
6229 L.M.S. Crimson
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Abercorn
Released: 1980 1981 1982
6234 L.M.S. Crimson
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Gloucester
Released: 2001
6225 L.M.S. Crimson
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Hamilton
Released: 2000
6229 L.M.S. Crimson
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Norfolk
Released: 2006
6226 L.M.S. Crimson
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Sutherland
Released: 1977 1978 1979
6233 L.M.S. Crimson
Coronation Class Locomotive - Princess Alice
Released: 2002 2003 2004 2005
6223 L.M.S. Blue
Coronation Class Locomotive - Queen Mary
Released: 1986 1987
6222 L.M.S. Blue
Coronation Scot Train Pack (Coronation Class - Princess Alexandra)
Released: 2004
6224 L.M.S. Blue
Days Of Red And Gold Train Pack (Princess Coronation Class - City Of Chester) - Barry J. Freeman Collection
Released: 2010
6239 L.M.S. Crimson
Duchess At Carlisle Train Pack (Duchess Class - Duchess Of Sutherland) - Barry J. Freeman Collection
Released: 2011
6233 L.M.S. Crimson
Duchess Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Buccleuch
Released: 2001 2002 2003
6230 L.M.S. Crimson
Duchess Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Montrose (DCC Locomotive with Sound)
Released: 2011
6232 L.M.S. Crimson
Fowler Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 1973 1974
690 L.M.S. Black
Fowler Class 4F Locomotive
Released: 2001 2002
4418 L.M.S. Black
Fowler Class 4F Locomotive
Released: 2011
4312 L.M.S. Black
Independent Milk Supplies 6 Wheel Milk Tank Wagon
Released: 2008 2009 2010
44280 L.M.S. Goods
Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive
Released: 1980
6413 L.M.S. Black
L.M.S. 0-4-0ST Locomotive
Released: 1990 1991 1992 1993
16031 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. 1st/3rd Composite Coach
Released: 1971 1971c 1972 1973 1973c
2643 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van 730386 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van
Released: 1999 2000
730670 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van
Released: 2002 2003
730450 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van
Released: 2003 2004
723484 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van
Released: 2005 2009 2010
732310 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. 4-2-2 (Ex Caledonian) No.14010
Released: 1983
14010 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. 6 Wheel Insulated Milk Van
Released: 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
3855 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car
Released: 1999 2000
235 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car
Released: 2001 2002
228 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car
Released: 2002 2003 2004
230 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car
Released: 2006 2007
232 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car
Released: 2007 2008 2009
234 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
Released: 1998 1999
5200 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
Released: 2000 2001
5215 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
Released: 2001 2002
5205 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
Released: 2001 2002 2003
5206 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
Released: 2002 2003
5214 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
Released: 2004
5456 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach (Coronation Scot Livery) 5792 L.M.S. Blue
L.M.S. Brake Coach
Released: 2009r 2010r 2011r
5200 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake Composite Coach
Released: 1971 1971c 1972 1973 1973c
2640 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake Third Coach 5644 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake Third Coach 5714 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Brake Third Coach
Released: 2010 2011
? L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Cattle Wagon
Released: 1990 1991 1992 1993
23716 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Clerestory Brake 3rd Coach
Released: 1986 1987 1988 1989 1994 1995
6438 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Clerestory Composite Coach
Released: 1986 1987 1988 1989
4863 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Composite Coach 3934 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Composite Coach 4120 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Composite Coach
Released: 1998 1999
4183 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Composite Coach
Released: 2000 2001
4113 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Composite Coach
Released: 2001 2002
4000 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Composite Coach
Released: 2001 2002 2003
4001 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Composite Coach
Released: 2002 2003
4020 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Composite Coach
Released: 2004
3954 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Composite Coach
Released: 2009r 2010r 2011r
4183 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery) 1070 L.M.S. Blue
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
Released: 2001 2004 2005
1069 L.M.S. Blue
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
Released: 2002 2003
1071 L.M.S. Blue
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
Released: 2001
5812 L.M.S. Blue
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
Released: 2001
5814 L.M.S. Blue
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
Released: 2002 2003
5792 L.M.S. Blue
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
Released: 2004 2005
5052 L.M.S. Blue
L.M.S. Conflat With Container
Released: 2004 2005
4757 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Conflat With Container
Released: 2005 2006
4758 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Container And Conflat Wagon
Released: 1997 1998 1999
N300465 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Corridor Brake 1st Coach 5051 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Corridor Full 3rd Coach 2257 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Engineers 3 Plank Wagon
Released: 2010
? L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Express Dairies 6 Wheel Milk Tank Wagon
Released: 2008
1999 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Express Dairies 6 Wheel Milk Tank Wagon
Released: 2009 2010
44190 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Four Wheel Coach 12 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Goods Wagon with Opening Doors
Released: 1971 1972
12527 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Guards Van
Released: 1970w 1971w 1972w
M730973 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Insulated Milk Van
Released: 2004
38553 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Insulated Milk Van
Released: 2005
38554 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Insulated Milk Van
Released: 2006 2007
38551 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Loco Coal 7 Plank Wagon
Released: 2007 2009 2010
70170 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Loco Coal 7 Plank Wagon
Released: 2008 2009 2010
7018 L.M.S. Goods
L.M.S. Operating Royal Mail Coach
Released: 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
30249 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Operating Royal Mail Coach Set 30246 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Operating Royal Mail Coach Set - Night Mail
Released: 2010 2011
30246 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Passenger Coach
Released: 1955
7573, 27424 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Royal Mail Coach Set
Released: 1978 1979 1983 1984 1985
30250 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 1st Class Coach
Released: 2005 2006 2007
1043 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 1st Class Coach
Released: 2006 2008 2009
1062 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 3rd Class Coach
Released: 2005 2006 2007
1637 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 3rd Class Coach
Released: 2006 2007 2008 2009
1573 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor Brake 3rd Class Coach
Released: 2005 2006 2007
5620 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor Brake 3rd Class Coach
Released: 2006 2007 2008 2009
5541 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Parcels Van
Released: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
30972 L.M.S. Crimson
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Parcels Van
Released: 2006
31109 L.M.S. Crimson
Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - Duke Of Sutherland
Released: 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
5541 L.M.S. Crimson
Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - EC Trench
Released: 2000 2001 2002
5539 L.M.S. Crimson
Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - Holyhead
Released: 2001 2002
5514 L.M.S. Crimson
Patriot Class Locomotive - Illustrious
Released: 2010r 2011r
5532 L.M.S. Crimson
Patriot Class Locomotive - Lord Rathmore
Released: 1995 1996 1997
5533 L.M.S. Crimson
Princess Class Locomotive - Princess Arthur Of Connaught
Released: 2001 2002
6207 L.M.S. Crimson
Princess Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Glasgow
Released: 2003 2004
6242 L.M.S. Black
Princess Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Manchester
Released: 2009
6246 L.M.S. Black
Princess Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Sutherland
Released: 2011
6233 L.M.S. Black
Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth 6201 L.M.S. Crimson
Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Louise
Released: 2003 2004 2005
6204 L.M.S. Crimson
Royal Scot Class Locomotive - The Green Howards
Released: 2007 2008
6133 L.M.S. Black
The Last Single Wheeler Train Pack (Dean Single)
Released: 2009 2010 2011
14010 L.M.S. Crimson
The Royal Scot (Princess Class - Princess Helena)
Released: 1997
6208 L.M.S. Crimson
The Royal Train (Duchess Class - Duchess Of Sutherland)
Released: 2004
6233 L.M.S. Crimson

London Midland & Scottish Railway Images (163)

0-4-0T Pug Locomotive
0-4-0T Pug Locomotive 11232

0-4-0T Pug Locomotive
0-4-0T Pug Locomotive 11250

Caledonian Single Class Locomotive - Limited Edition
Caledonian Single Class Locomotive - Limited Edition 14010

Cattle Wagon
Cattle Wagon None

Class 08 Diesel Electric Shunter
Class 08 Diesel Electric Shunter 3973

Class 0F 0-4-0ST Locomotive
Class 0F 0-4-0ST Locomotive 16023

Class 0F 0-4-0ST Locomotive
Class 0F 0-4-0ST Locomotive 16030

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 579

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 644

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 645

Class 3F 0-6-0 Locomotive
Class 3F 0-6-0 Locomotive 7413

Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive
Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive 7412

Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive
Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive 16440

Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive
Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive 7413

Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive (Weathered)
Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive (Weathered) 16624

Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive (Weathered)
Class 3F 0-6-0T Locomotive (Weathered) 16700

Class 3F Jinty Tank Locomotive
Class 3F Jinty Tank Locomotive 16440

Class 3F Tank Locomotive
Class 3F Tank Locomotive 7606

Class 4MT 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4MT 2-6-4T Locomotive 2484

Class 4MT Tank Locomotive
Class 4MT Tank Locomotive 2642

Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive 2300

Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive 2345

Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive 2312

Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive 2309

Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive 2301

Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive 2305

Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive 2311

Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive 2341

Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive 2321

Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive
Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive 2546

Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive 1000

Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive 1000

Class 5 Locomotive
Class 5 Locomotive 4657

Class 5 Locomotive
Class 5 Locomotive 5138

Class 5 Locomotive
Class 5 Locomotive 5241

Class 5 Locomotive
Class 5 Locomotive 5055

Class 5 Locomotive
Class 5 Locomotive 5036

Class 5 Locomotive
Class 5 Locomotive 5112

Class 5 Locomotive - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition
Class 5 Locomotive - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition 5000

Class 5MT Locomotive - Black Five
Class 5MT Locomotive - Black Five 5112

Class 8F Locomotive
Class 8F Locomotive 8042

Class 8F Locomotive
Class 8F Locomotive 8193

Class 8F Locomotive
Class 8F Locomotive 8027

Class 8F Locomotive
Class 8F Locomotive 8035

Class 8F Locomotive
Class 8F Locomotive 8510

Class 8F Locomotive
Class 8F Locomotive 8453

Class 8F Locomotive
Class 8F Locomotive 8400

Class 8F Locomotive (Weathered)
Class 8F Locomotive (Weathered) 8042

Class 8P Locomotive - The Princess Royal
Class 8P Locomotive - The Princess Royal 6200

Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - City Of Stoke On Trent
Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - City Of Stoke On Trent 6254

Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - Coronation
Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - Coronation 6220

Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - King George VI
Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - King George VI 6244

Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Birmingham
Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Birmingham 6235

Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Bristol
Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Bristol 6237

Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Edinburgh
Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Edinburgh 6241

Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Saint Albans (Royal Doulton)
Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Saint Albans (Royal Doulton) 6253

Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of  Hamilton - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Hamilton - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition 6229

Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Abercorn
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Abercorn 6234

Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Gloucester
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Gloucester 6225

Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Hamilton
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Hamilton 6229

Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Norfolk
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Norfolk 6226

Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Sutherland
Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Sutherland 6233

Coronation Class Locomotive - Princess Alice
Coronation Class Locomotive - Princess Alice 6223

Coronation Class Locomotive - Queen Mary
Coronation Class Locomotive - Queen Mary 6222

Coronation Scot Train Pack (Coronation Class - Princess Alexandra)
Coronation Scot Train Pack (Coronation Class - Princess Alexandra) 6224

Days Of Red And Gold Train Pack (Princess Coronation Class - City Of Chester)  - Barry J. Freeman Collection
Days Of Red And Gold Train Pack (Princess Coronation Class - City Of Chester) - Barry J. Freeman Collection 6239

Duchess At Carlisle Train Pack (Duchess Class - Duchess Of Sutherland)  - Barry J. Freeman Collection
Duchess At Carlisle Train Pack (Duchess Class - Duchess Of Sutherland) - Barry J. Freeman Collection 6233

Duchess Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Buccleuch
Duchess Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Buccleuch 6230

Duchess Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Montrose (DCC Locomotive with Sound)
Duchess Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Montrose (DCC Locomotive with Sound) 6232

Fowler Class 2P Locomotive
Fowler Class 2P Locomotive 690

Fowler Class 4F Locomotive
Fowler Class 4F Locomotive 4418

Fowler Class 4F Locomotive
Fowler Class 4F Locomotive 4312

Independent Milk Supplies 6 Wheel Milk Tank Wagon
Independent Milk Supplies 6 Wheel Milk Tank Wagon 44280

Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive
Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive 6413

L.M.S. 0-4-0ST Locomotive
L.M.S. 0-4-0ST Locomotive 16031

L.M.S. 1st/3rd Composite Coach
L.M.S. 1st/3rd Composite Coach 2643

L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van
L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van 730386

L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van
L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van 730670

L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van
L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van 730450

L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van
L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van 723484

L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van
L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van 732310

L.M.S. 4-2-2 (Ex Caledonian) No.14010
L.M.S. 4-2-2 (Ex Caledonian) No.14010 14010

L.M.S. 6 Wheel Insulated Milk Van
L.M.S. 6 Wheel Insulated Milk Van 3855

L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car
L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car 235

L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car
L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car 228

L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car
L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car 230

L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car
L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car 232

L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car
L.M.S. 68ft Dining Car 234

L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach 5200

L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach 5215

L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach 5205

L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach 5206

L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach 5214

L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach 5456

L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
L.M.S. Brake 3rd Coach (Coronation Scot Livery) 5792

L.M.S. Brake Coach
L.M.S. Brake Coach 5200

L.M.S. Brake Composite Coach
L.M.S. Brake Composite Coach 2640

L.M.S. Brake Third Coach
L.M.S. Brake Third Coach 5644

L.M.S. Brake Third Coach
L.M.S. Brake Third Coach 5714

L.M.S. Brake Third Coach
L.M.S. Brake Third Coach ?

L.M.S. Cattle Wagon
L.M.S. Cattle Wagon 23716

L.M.S. Clerestory Brake 3rd Coach
L.M.S. Clerestory Brake 3rd Coach 6438

L.M.S. Clerestory Composite Coach
L.M.S. Clerestory Composite Coach 4863

L.M.S. Composite Coach
L.M.S. Composite Coach 3934

L.M.S. Composite Coach
L.M.S. Composite Coach 4120

L.M.S. Composite Coach
L.M.S. Composite Coach 4183

L.M.S. Composite Coach
L.M.S. Composite Coach 4113

L.M.S. Composite Coach
L.M.S. Composite Coach 4000

L.M.S. Composite Coach
L.M.S. Composite Coach 4001

L.M.S. Composite Coach
L.M.S. Composite Coach 4020

L.M.S. Composite Coach
L.M.S. Composite Coach 3954

L.M.S. Composite Coach
L.M.S. Composite Coach 4183

L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery) 1070

L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery) 1069

L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery) 1071

L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery) 5812

L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery) 5814

L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery) 5792

L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery)
L.M.S. Composite Coach (Coronation Scot Livery) 5052

L.M.S. Conflat With Container
L.M.S. Conflat With Container 4757

L.M.S. Conflat With Container
L.M.S. Conflat With Container 4758

L.M.S. Container And Conflat Wagon
L.M.S. Container And Conflat Wagon N300465

L.M.S. Corridor Brake 1st Coach
L.M.S. Corridor Brake 1st Coach 5051

L.M.S. Corridor Full 3rd Coach
L.M.S. Corridor Full 3rd Coach 2257

L.M.S. Engineers 3 Plank Wagon
L.M.S. Engineers 3 Plank Wagon ?

L.M.S. Express Dairies 6 Wheel Milk Tank Wagon
L.M.S. Express Dairies 6 Wheel Milk Tank Wagon 1999

L.M.S. Express Dairies 6 Wheel Milk Tank Wagon
L.M.S. Express Dairies 6 Wheel Milk Tank Wagon 44190

L.M.S. Four Wheel Coach
L.M.S. Four Wheel Coach 12

L.M.S. Goods Wagon with Opening Doors
L.M.S. Goods Wagon with Opening Doors 12527

L.M.S. Guards Van
L.M.S. Guards Van M730973

L.M.S. Insulated Milk Van
L.M.S. Insulated Milk Van 38553

L.M.S. Insulated Milk Van
L.M.S. Insulated Milk Van 38554

L.M.S. Insulated Milk Van
L.M.S. Insulated Milk Van 38551

L.M.S. Loco Coal 7 Plank Wagon
L.M.S. Loco Coal 7 Plank Wagon 70170

L.M.S. Loco Coal 7 Plank Wagon
L.M.S. Loco Coal 7 Plank Wagon 7018

L.M.S. Operating Royal Mail Coach
L.M.S. Operating Royal Mail Coach 30249

L.M.S. Operating Royal Mail Coach Set
L.M.S. Operating Royal Mail Coach Set 30246

L.M.S. Operating Royal Mail Coach Set - Night Mail
L.M.S. Operating Royal Mail Coach Set - Night Mail 30246

L.M.S. Passenger Coach
L.M.S. Passenger Coach 7573, 27424

L.M.S. Royal Mail Coach Set
L.M.S. Royal Mail Coach Set 30250

L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 1st Class Coach
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 1st Class Coach 1043

L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 1st Class Coach
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 1st Class Coach 1062

L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 3rd Class Coach
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 3rd Class Coach 1637

L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 3rd Class Coach
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor 3rd Class Coach 1573

L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor Brake 3rd Class Coach
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor Brake 3rd Class Coach 5620

L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor Brake 3rd Class Coach
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Corridor Brake 3rd Class Coach 5541

L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Parcels Van
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Parcels Van 30972

L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Parcels Van
L.M.S. Standard Period 3 Parcels Van 31109

Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - Duke Of Sutherland
Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - Duke Of Sutherland 5541

Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - EC Trench
Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - EC Trench 5539

Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - Holyhead
Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - Holyhead 5514

Patriot Class Locomotive - Illustrious
Patriot Class Locomotive - Illustrious 5532

Patriot Class Locomotive - Lord Rathmore
Patriot Class Locomotive - Lord Rathmore 5533

Princess Class Locomotive - Princess Arthur Of Connaught
Princess Class Locomotive - Princess Arthur Of Connaught 6207

Princess Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Glasgow
Princess Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Glasgow 6242

Princess Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Manchester
Princess Coronation Class Locomotive - City Of Manchester 6246

Princess Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Sutherland
Princess Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Sutherland 6233

Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth
Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth 6201

Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Louise
Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Louise 6204

Royal Scot Class Locomotive - The Green Howards
Royal Scot Class Locomotive - The Green Howards 6133

The Last Single Wheeler Train Pack (Dean Single)
The Last Single Wheeler Train Pack (Dean Single) 14010

The Royal Scot (Princess Class - Princess Helena)
The Royal Scot (Princess Class - Princess Helena) 6208

The Royal Train (Duchess Class - Duchess Of Sutherland)
The Royal Train (Duchess Class - Duchess Of Sutherland) 6233

Top 6 Models

1. Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth
2. Class A1 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
3. Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
4. Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia
5. Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star
6. L.N.E.R. Composite Coach

View the latest full Model Rankings.

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Combination Railways/Motorways Set
Combination Railways/Motorways Set


11,328 yearly Items over 57 Years.
4,069 individual Items.
3,707 Models.
362 catalogued Train Sets.
156 Train Packs.
820 Steam Locomotives.
497 Diesel Locomotives.
1,082 Passenger Coaches.
1,152 Freight Wagons.

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