Year Price List

1981 Price List

Logo & Box Style:
UK Price List Date: 5th January 1981

Train Sets: 10
Models: 124
Locomotives (All): 41
Steam Locomotives: 28
Diesel Electric Locomotives: 13
Train Packs: 2
Passenger Rolling Stock: 26
Freight Rolling Stock: 45

View 1981

1981 Train Sets with 1981 Price (10)

1981 R.543 Advanced Passenger Train Set £74.95
1981 R.537 B.R. Diesel Freight Set £43.95
1981 R.540 Caledonian Passenger Set £26.95
1981 R.542 Duchess Mail Train Set £63.95
1981 R.776 Electric Starter Set £17.95
1981 R.539 Evening Star Super Goods Set £64.95
1981 R.535 G.W.R. Freight Set £25.95
1981 R.541 Inter-City 125 Set £43.95
1981 R.536 L.B.S.C. Local Goods Set £35.95
1981 R.538 Western Express Goods Set £49.95

1981 Steam Locomotives with 1981 Price (28)

1981 R.333 0-4-0 Locomotive No. 101 G.W.R. Green 101 £9.50
1981 R.779 0-4-0 Saddle Tank Locomotive - Desmond Private Owner Steam Locomotive 7 £9.50
1981 R.374 Battle Of Britain Class Locomotive - Spitfire S.R. Malachite Green 21C166 £24.95
1981 R.057 Class 0F 0-4-0ST Locomotive C.R. Blue 270 £9.95
1981 R.059 Class 2721 Pannier Tank Locomotive G.W.R. Green 2744 £15.95
1981 R.301 Class 3F Jinty Tank Locomotive L.M.S. Crimson 16440 £15.95
1981 R.302 Class 3F Jinty Tank Locomotive B.R. Black 47480 £14.95
1981 R.055 Class 4P 2-6-4T Locomotive L.M.S. Crimson 2300 £21.95
1981 R.376 Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive L.M.S. Crimson 1000 £26.95
1981 R.320 Class 5 Locomotive L.M.S. Black 5138 £24.95
1981 R.842 Class 5 Locomotive L.M.S. Crimson 4657 £24.95
1981 R.300 Class 57XX Pannier Tank Locomotive G.W.R. Green 8773 £13.50
1981 R.033 Class 7MT Locomotive - Morning Star B.R. Green 70021 £27.95
1981 R.303 Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star B.R. Green 92220 £28.50
1981 R.398 Class A1 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman L.N.E.R. Apple Green 4472 £27.50
1981 R.309 Class A4 Locomotive - Mallard B.R. Green 60022 £27.95
1981 R.372 Class A4 Locomotive - Seagull L.N.E.R. Blue 4902 £27.95
1981 R.053 Class B17 Locomotive - Manchester United L.N.E.R. Apple Green 2862 £26.95
1981 R.378 Class D49 Locomotive - Cheshire L.N.E.R. Apple Green 2753 £26.95
1981 R.315 Class E2 0-6-0T Locomotive L.B.S.C. Brown 100 £15.95
1981 R.396 Class J13 Saddle Tank Locomotive G.N.R. Green 1247 £16.95
1981 R.305 Coronation Class Locomotive - Duchess Of Abercorn L.M.S. Crimson 6234 £27.95
1981 R.392 County Class Locomotive - County Of Bedford G.W.R. Green 3821 £26.95
1981 R.313 Hall Class Locomotive - Hagley Hall G.W.R. Green 4930 £20.95
1981 R.852 Ivatt Class 2 Locomotive B.R. Green 46521 £20.95
1981 R.349 King Class Locomotive - King Henry VIII G.W.R. Green 6013 £25.95
1981 R.311 Patriot Class 5XP Locomotive - Duke Of Sutherland L.M.S. Crimson 5541 £26.50
1981 R.380 Schools Class V Locomotive - Stowe S.R. Malachite Green 928 £26.95

1981 Diesel Electric Locomotives with 1981 Price (13)

1981 R.354 Class 08 0-6-0 Diesel Shunter B.R. Green D3010 £11.95
1981 R.780 Class 08 0-6-0 Diesel Shunter B.R. Blue 08201 £12.50
1981 R.326 Class 25 (Type 2) Bo-Bo Locomotive B.R. Blue 25241 £15.50
1981 R.327 Class 25 (Type 2) Bo-Bo Locomotive B.R. Green D7571 £15.50
1981 R.338 Class 29 (Type 2) Bo-Bo Locomotive B.R. Green D6103 £14.95
1981 R.337 Class 29 (Type 2) Bo-Bo Locomotive B.R. Blue 6142 £14.95
1981 R.335 Class 35 Hymek (Type 3) Locomotive B.R. Green D7097 £14.95
1981 R.369 Class 37 (Type 3) Co-Co Locomotive B.R. Blue 37073 £16.50
1981 R.328 Class 47 (Type 4) Co-Co Locomotive - Mammoth B.R. Green D1670 £19.95
1981 R.316 Class 47 Co-Co Locomotive - Lady Diana Spencer B.R. Blue Large Logo 47712 ---
1981 R.360 Class 86 Electric Locomotive - Phoenix B.R. Blue 86219 £19.95
1981 R.368 Western Class 52 Locomotive - Western Courier B.R. Maroon D1062 £18.50
1981 R.778 Western Class 52 Locomotive - Western Harrier B.R. Blue D1008 £18.50

1981 Train Packs with 1981 Price (2)

1981 R.332 B.R. Class 253 Inter-City 125 High Speed Train Pack B.R. Blue 253005 £28.95
1981 R.794 B.R. Class 370 Advanced Passenger Train Pack B.R. Inter City 370001 370002 £52.75

1981 Passenger Rolling Stock with 1981 Price (26)

1981 R.424 B.R. Brake Third Coach B.R. Crimson & Cream M26545 £4.75
1981 R.419 B.R. Buffet Car (RMB) B.R. Blue & Grey 1805 £4.75
1981 R.421 B.R. Composite Coach B.R. Crimson & Cream M4329 £4.75
1981 R.425 B.R. Mk III Inter-City Open 1st B.R. Blue & Grey 00 £4.75
1981 R.426 B.R. Mk III Inter-City Open 2nd B.R. Blue & Grey M12006 £4.75
1981 R.418 B.R. Mk.2 Brake Second Class Corridor Coach (BSK) B.R. Blue & Grey M9439 £4.75
1981 R.417 B.R. Mk.2 Second Class Open Coach (SO) B.R. Blue & Grey M5232 £4.75
1981 R.427 B.R. Mk.3 Restaurant Buffet Car (TRUB) B.R. Blue & Grey W40307 £4.75
1981 R.416 B.R. Operating Mail Coach B.R. Blue & Grey M80328 £8.25
1981 R.420 B.R. Second Class Sleeping Car (SLSTP) B.R. Blue & Grey 2510 £4.75
1981 R.219 Caledonian Four Wheel Coach C.R. Crimson & Cream 12 £2.50
1981 R.457 G.W.R. Brake Third Coach G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 4913 £4.75
1981 R.456 G.W.R. Composite Coach G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 6024 £4.75
1981 R.458 G.W.R. Composite Restaurant Car G.W.R. Goods 9578 £4.75
1981 R.213 G.W.R. Four Wheel Coach G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 12 £2.50
1981 R.475 L.M.S. Brake Third Coach L.M.S. Crimson 5644 £4.75
1981 R.474 L.M.S. Composite Coach L.M.S. Crimson 3934 £4.75
1981 R.478 L.N.E.R. Brake Composite Coach L.N.E.R. Teak 4237 £4.75
1981 R.477 L.N.E.R. Composite Coach L.N.E.R. Teak 22357 £4.75
1981 R.479 L.N.E.R. First Class Sleeping Car L.N.E.R. Teak 1316 £4.75
1981 R.223 Pullman First Class Parlour Car Pullman Brown & Gold Lucille £5.95
1981 R.233 Pullman Third Class Parlour Brake Pullman Brown & Gold Car No.79 £5.95
1981 R.445 S.R. Brake Third Coach S.R. Olive Green 1405 £4.75
1981 R.487 S.R. Brake Third Coach S.R. Malachite Green 6564 £4.75
1981 R.441 S.R. Composite Coach S.R. Olive Green 1384 £4.75
1981 R.486 S.R. Composite Coach S.R. Malachite Green 5117 £4.75

1981 Freight Rolling Stock with 1981 Price (45)

1981 R.247 45 Ton Closed Van - Railfreight (VDA) B.R. Goods 210218 £3.30
1981 R.234 45 Ton GLW Closed Van B.R. Goods 210304 £3.20
1981 R.235 45 Ton GLW Open Wagon B.R. Goods 110003 £2.45
1981 R.225 45 Ton GLW Steel Carrier B.R. Goods 400105 £2.95
1981 R.248 45 Ton Open Wagon (OBA) B.R. Goods 110264 £2.50
1981 R.246 45 Ton Steel Carrier (SAA) B.R. Goods 400105 £2.95
1981 R.739 75 Ton Operating Breakdown Crane B.R. Maintenance DB966111 £9.95
1981 R.012 A.Bodell Open Wagon Private Owner Goods No.1 ---
1981 R.740 Anglo Continental Ferry Van B.R. Goods GB787102 £3.30
1981 R.717 Arnolds Sands 5 Plank Wagon Private Owner Goods 803 £1.85
1981 R.729 B.R. 20 Ton Brake Van B.R. Goods B952698 £2.20
1981 R.239 B.R. Mineral Wagon B.R. Goods B385760 £1.85
1981 R.242 B.R. Ventilated Van B.R. Goods E784690 £2.05
1981 R.136 Bolsover Mineral Wagon Private Owner Goods 6390 £1.85
1981 R.126 Car Transporter B.R. Goods None £3.95
1981 R.732 Consett Iron Ore Wagon Private Owner Goods 1441 £3.30
1981 R.040 Eastbourne Models & Hobbies & Collectors Shop Closed Van Private Owner Goods None ---
1981 R.713 Esso Tank Wagon Private Owner Goods None £2.05
1981 R.633 Freightliner Wagon B.R. Container None £3.85
1981 R.714 G.W.R. 20 Ton Brake Van - Saltney G.W.R. Goods 114925 £2.30
1981 R.240 G.W.R. Wagon with Sheet Rail G.W.R. Goods 102971 £1.85
1981 R.731 Gulf Tank Wagon Private Owner Goods 731 £2.05
1981 R.722 Kit Kat Closed Van Private Owner Goods None £2.05
1981 R.019 L.B.S.C. 20 Ton Goods Brake Van L.B.S.C. Goods 43 £2.95
1981 R.718 L.M.S. 20 Ton Brake Van L.M.S. Goods 730386 £2.30
1981 R.734 L.M.S. 6 Wheel Insulated Milk Van L.M.S. Goods 3855 £3.45
1981 R.727 McVities Biscuits Closed Van Private Owner Goods None £2.15
1981 R.238 MGR Hopper Wagon B.R. Goods 351540 £3.05
1981 R.249 MGR Hopper Wagon (HAA) B.R. Goods 352556 £3.10
1981 R.221 National Benzole Tank Wagon Private Owner Goods P93 £2.50
1981 R.733 Palethorpes 6 Wheel Closed Van Private Owner Goods None £3.45
1981 R.094 Pilkington Brothers Ltd Open Wagon Private Owner Goods 1489 ---
1981 R.723 Prestwin Twin Silo Wagon Private Owner Goods B873001 £2.15
1981 R.042 Railmail Closed Van Private Owner Goods None ---
1981 R.038 Redgates Toys & Models Closed Van Private Owner Goods None ---
1981 R.719 Roberts Davy Coke Wagon Private Owner Goods No.25 £1.85
1981 R.730 S.C. Mineral Wagon Private Owner Goods 25506 £1.85
1981 R.106 S.R. Sheep Wagon S.R. Goods 51915 £1.95
1981 R.716 Scarwood 5 Plank Wagon Private Owner Goods No.13 £1.85
1981 R.715 Shell Tank Wagon Private Owner Goods 500 £2.05
1981 R.725 Smiths Foods Closed Van Private Owner Goods None £2.05
1981 R.043 Taylor & McKenna Closed Van Private Owner Goods None ---
1981 R.231 Texaco Tank Wagon Private Owner Goods 500 £2.05
1981 R.007 United Dairies Milk Tank Wagon Private Owner Goods None £1.85
1981 R.728 Weetabix Closed Van Private Owner Goods None £2.05

Top 6 Models

1. Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth
2. Class A1 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
3. Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
4. Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia
5. Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star
6. L.N.E.R. Composite Coach

View the latest full Model Rankings.

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11,328 yearly Items over 57 Years.
4,069 individual Items.
3,707 Models.
362 catalogued Train Sets.
156 Train Packs.
820 Steam Locomotives.
497 Diesel Locomotives.
1,082 Passenger Coaches.
1,152 Freight Wagons.

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