
Tri-ang Hornby Model Railways - Edition 18

Tri-ang Hornby Model Railways - Edition 18

Year: 1972
Publication: Tri-ang Hornby Model Railways - Edition 18
Type: Catalogue
Edition: 18th Edition
Information: ---

1972 Catalogued Train Sets (11)

1972 RS.102 Express Freighter Set (Aust)
1972 RS.609 Express Passenger Set
1972 RS.608 Flying Scotsman Set
1972 RS.651 Freightmaster Set
1972 RS.604 Night Mail Set
1972 RS.101A Overlander Set
1972 RS.614 Pick-Up Goods Set
1972 RS.602 Senior Freightliner Set
1972 RS.613 Steam Freight Set
1972 RS.616 Take-A-Ticket Train Set
1972 RS.615 The Railway Children Set

1972 Catalogued Steam Locomotives (19)

1972 R.355 0-4-0 Industrial Locomotive - Connie Private Private Owner Steam Locomotive 6
1972 R.355 0-4-0 Industrial Locomotive - Nellie Private Private Owner Steam Locomotive 7
1972 R.869S Battle Of Britain Class Locomotive - Winston Churchill S.R. S.R. Malachite Green 21C151
1972 R.377S Class 3F Jinty Tank Locomotive G.N. & S.R. G.N. & S.R. Brown None
1972 R.52RS Class 3F Tank Locomotive L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 7606
1972 R.52S Class 3F Tank Locomotive B.R. B.R. Black 47606
1972 R.59S Class 3MT Tank Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green 82004
1972 R.51S Class 57XX Pannier Tank Locomotive G.W.R. G.W.R. Green 8751
1972 R.259NS Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia B.R. B.R. Green 70000
1972 R.861 Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star B.R. B.R. Green 92220
1972 R.855N Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Apple Green 4472
1972 R.866AS Class B12 Locomotive L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Apple Green 8509
1972 R.350 Class L1 Locomotive S.R. S.R. Olive Green 1757
1972 R.868 Class M7 Tank Locomotive S.R. S.R. Olive Green 245
1972 R.871 Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - King George VI L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 6244
1972 R.354 Dean Single Locomotive - Lord Of The Isles G.W.R. G.W.R. Green 3046
1972 R.759A Hall Class Locomotive - Albert Hall G.W.R. G.W.R. Green 4983
1972 R.258AS Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 6201
1972 R.1542N Transcontinental Pacific Locomotive T.R. T.R. Various 1542

1972 Catalogued Diesel Electric Locomotives (6)

1972 R.152 Class 08 0-6-0 Diesel Shunter B.R. B.R. Blue D3035
1972 R.357 Class 31 Brush (Type 2) Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green D5572
1972 R.758 Class 35 Hymek (Type 3) Locomotive B.R. B.R. Blue D7063
1972 R.751 Class 37 (Type 3) Co-Co Locomotive B.R. B.R. Blue D6830
1972 R.253 Dock Authority Diesel Shunter Private Private Owner Diesel Locomotive 3
1972 R.0550 Transcontinental A Unit Diesel T.R. T.R. Various 1404

1972 Catalogued Passenger Rolling Stock (26)

1972 R.627 B.R. BSK Brake 2nd Corridor B.R. B.R. Crimson & Cream 34100
1972 R.626 B.R. CK Corridor Composite B.R. B.R. Crimson & Cream 15210
1972 R.723 B.R. Inter-City Brake First Coach B.R. B.R. Blue & Grey M14052
1972 R.722 B.R. Inter-City Second Class Coach B.R. B.R. Blue & Grey M5120
1972 R.402M B.R. Operating Royal Mail Coach Set B.R. B.R. Blue & Grey M30224
1972 R.628 B.R. RMB Open 2nd Miniature Buffet B.R. B.R. Crimson & Cream 1805
1972 R.740 Breakdown Train Coach B.R. B.R. Maintenance None
1972 R.26 G.W.R. 1st/3rd Composite Coach G.W.R. G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 7782
1972 R.27 G.W.R. Brake Composite Coach G.W.R. G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 8176
1972 R.333 G.W.R. Brake Third Clerestory Coach G.W.R. G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 2316
1972 R.332 G.W.R. Third Class Clerestory Coach G.W.R. G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 5017
1972 R.747 L.M.S. 1st/3rd Composite Coach L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 2643
1972 R.748 L.M.S. Brake Composite Coach L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 2640
1972 R.423 L.M.S. Corridor Brake 1st Coach L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 5051
1972 R.422 L.M.S. Corridor Full 3rd Coach L.M.S. L.M.S. Crimson 2257
1972 R.746 L.N.E.R. Corridor Brake 3rd Coach L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Teak 1870
1972 R.745 L.N.E.R. Corridor Full 3rd Coach L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Teak 1010
1972 R.228 Pullman 1st Class Car Pullman Pullman Brown & Gold Ruth
1972 R.328 Pullman Brake 2nd Class Car Pullman Pullman Brown & Gold Car No.79
1972 R.379 Railway Children Clerestory Coach --- --- None
1972 R.378 Railway Children Coach --- --- None
1972 R.749 S.R. 1st/3rd Composite Coach S.R. S.R. Olive Green S1750
1972 R.750 S.R. Brake Composite Coach S.R. S.R. Olive Green S1774
1972 R.4400 Transcontinental Coach T.R. T.R. Silver & Red 10831
1972 --- Transcontinental Mail Car T.R. T.R. Various None
1972 R.4410 Transcontinental Observation Car T.R. T.R. Bright Silver & Red 91119

1972 Catalogued Freight Rolling Stock (43)

1972 R.739 75 Ton Operating Breakdown Crane B.R. B.R. Maintenance DB966111
1972 R.16 B.R. 20 Ton Brake Van B.R. B.R. Goods B952698
1972 R.340 B.R. 3 Container Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B734259
1972 R.666 B.R. Cartic Articulated Car Carrier B.R. B.R. Goods None
1972 R.14 B.R. Fish Van B.R. B.R. Goods N6307
1972 R.113 B.R. Goods Wagon with Drop Sides B.R. B.R. Goods B4597
1972 R.214 B.R. Hopper Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B35000
1972 R.243 B.R. Mineral Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B75201
1972 R.780 B.R. Parcels Van B.R. B.R. Goods E12080
1972 R.23 B.R. Salmon Wagon with Track Load B.R. B.R. Goods DB996821
1972 R.242 B.R. Trestrol Wagon with Two Girder Load B.R. B.R. Goods B901600
1972 R.11 B.R. Ventilated Van with Opening Doors B.R. B.R. Goods B784287
1972 R.564A Blue Circle Cement Wagon Private Private Owner Goods None
1972 R.676 Bolster Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B913011
1972 R.668A Bowaters China Clay Slurry Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 1025
1972 R.18 Cable Drum Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B913011
1972 R.342 Car Transporter with 6 Cars B.R. B.R. Goods None
1972 R.122 Cattle Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods M3713
1972 R.22 Cory Mineral Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 8008
1972 R.633 Freightliner Wagon B.R. B.R. Container None
1972 R.719 Freightliner Wagon - 2 30ft Containers - Ford & Sainsburys B.R. B.R. Container None
1972 R.632 Freightliner Wagon - 3 20ft Open Containers B.R. B.R. Container None
1972 R.635 Freightliner Wagon - 3 20ft Tank Containers - B.P. Chemicals B.R. B.R. Container None
1972 R.637 Freightliner Wagon - 3 20ft Tank Containers - Harold Wood B.R. B.R. Container None
1972 R.839 Freightliner Wagon with 3 20ft Containers - ACT (Aust) T.R. T.R. Various None
1972 R.124 G.W.R. Brake Van G.W.R. G.W.R. Goods GW57740
1972 R.123A G.W.R. Horse Box G.W.R. G.W.R. Goods 505
1972 R.742 Interfrigo International Ferry Van Private Private Owner Goods 0286184.3
1972 R.648A Johnnie Walker Bulk Grain Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 5833
1972 R.112 L.M.S. Goods Wagon with Opening Doors L.M.S. L.M.S. Goods 12527
1972 R.219 London Brick Company Brick Truck Private Private Owner Goods None
1972 R.781 N.E. Coke Wagon L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Goods 52220
1972 R.21 N.E. Refrigerator Van L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Goods 7901
1972 R.127 Operating Crane Truck B.R. B.R. Maintenance No.127
1972 R.19 Plate Wagon with Load B.R. B.R. Goods ED931972
1972 R.3490 Polysar Industrial Tank Car T.R. T.R. Various None
1972 R.10 S.R. Open Wagon S.R. S.R. Goods 12530
1972 R.669 Shell 100 Ton Oil Tanker Private Private Owner Goods 2309
1972 R.1260A T.C. Stock Car (Aust) T.R. T.R. Various TC1260
1972 R.344 Track Cleaning Wagon B.R. B.R. Maintenance T.R. 9372
1972 R.2350 Transcontinental Pulp Wood Car (Aust) T.R. T.R. Various TC2350
1972 R.741A Transfesa International Ferry Van Private Private Owner Goods 0286184.3
1972 R.15 United Dairies Milk Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods No.101

Top 6 Models

1. Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth
2. Class A1 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
3. Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
4. Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia
5. Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star
6. L.N.E.R. Composite Coach

View the latest full Model Rankings.

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11,328 yearly Items over 57 Years.
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3,707 Models.
362 catalogued Train Sets.
156 Train Packs.
820 Steam Locomotives.
497 Diesel Locomotives.
1,082 Passenger Coaches.
1,152 Freight Wagons.

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