Wheel Arrangement


4-4-0 Wheel Arrangement: 4-4-0
Name: ---

4-4-0 Releases (62)

Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 1999 2000 2001
579 L.M.S. Black
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
644 L.M.S. Black
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
40610 B.R. Black
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 2001
44 S. & D.J.R. Blue
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 2002 2003 2004
46 S. & D.J.R. Blue
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
40634 B.R. Black
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 1999
645 L.M.S. Black
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 2011
40663 B.R. Black
Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 2011
25 S. & D.J.R. Blue
Class 2P Locomotive (Weathered)
Released: 2006 2007 2008
40604 B.R. Black
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Released: 1981 1982 1983
1000 L.M.S. Crimson
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Released: 1983 1984 1985
1000 M.R. Crimson
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Released: 1986 1987
41043 B.R. Black
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Released: 2011r
1000 L.M.S. Crimson
Class D49 Locomotive - Cheshire
Released: 1981 1982 1983
2753 L.N.E.R. Apple Green
Class D49 Locomotive - The Fitzwilliam
Released: 1987 1988 1989
359 L.N.E.R. Apple Green
Class D49 Locomotive - The Pytchley
Released: 1987 1988 1989
62750 B.R. Black
Class D49 Locomotive - Yorkshire
Released: 1983 1984 1985
62700 B.R. Black
Class D49/1 Locomotive - The Berkeley
Released: 2011r
222 L.N.E.R. Apple Green
Class D49/2 Locomotive - The Berkeley
Released: 1994 1995
222 L.N.E.R. Apple Green
Class L1 Locomotive
Released: 1972
1757 S.R. Olive Green
Class L1 Locomotive 31757 B.R. Green
Class T9 Locomotive
Released: 2008 2009
729 S.R. Olive Green
Class T9 Locomotive
Released: 2008 2009
30724 B.R. Black
Class T9 Locomotive
Released: 2008 2009
30310 B.R. Black
Class T9 Locomotive
Released: 2009
314 S.R. Black
Class T9 Locomotive
Released: 2009
30285 B.R. Black
Class T9 Locomotive (Weathered)
Released: 2009
30726 B.R. Black
Class T9 Locomotive - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition
Released: 2008
120 S.R. Olive Green
County Class Locomotive - County Of Bedford
Released: 1981 1982 1983
3821 G.W.R. Green
County Class Locomotive - County Of Bedford
Released: 2011r
3821 G.W.R. Green
County Class Locomotive - County Of Cornwall
Released: 1994 1995
3824 G.W.R. Green
County Class Locomotive - County Of Denbigh
Released: 1991 1992
3825 G.W.R. Green
County Class Locomotive - County Of Oxford
Released: 1984 1985
3830 G.W.R. Green
Fowler Class 2P Locomotive
Released: 1973 1974
690 L.M.S. Black
Hunt Class D49/2 Locomotive - Cattistock
Released: 1997 1998
62758 B.R. Black
Imperial Airways Train Pack (Class T9)
Released: 2010 2011
338 S.R. Olive Green
London 1908 Train Pack (County Class - County Of Radnor)
Released: 2011
3818 G.W.R. Green
Schools Class Locomotive - Blundells
Released: 2008 2009 2010
30932 B.R. Black
Schools Class Locomotive - Brighton
Released: 2008 2009
30915 B.R. Green
Schools Class Locomotive - Charterhouse
Released: 1989 1990 2008 2009 2011
903 S.R. Olive Green
Schools Class Locomotive - Cheltenham - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition
Released: 2009
925 S.R. Malachite Green
Schools Class Locomotive - Dulwich
Released: 2009 2010
907 S.R. Olive Green
Schools Class Locomotive - Eton
Released: 1986 1987
900 S.R. Olive Green
Schools Class Locomotive - Shrewsbury
Released: 1991 1992
921 S.R. Malachite Green
Schools Class Locomotive - St Lawrence
Released: 2009 2011
30934 B.R. Black
Schools Class Locomotive - St. Pauls (DCC Locomotive with Sound)
Released: 2010
30909 B.R. Black
Schools Class Locomotive - Tonbridge (Royal Doulton)
Released: 1996
905 S.R. Malachite Green
Schools Class Locomotive - Wellington
Released: 2008 2009 2010
902 S.R. Malachite Green
Schools Class Locomotive - Winchester
Released: 2009 2010 2011
30901 B.R. Green
Schools Class V Locomotive - Clifton
Released: 1984 1985
30927 B.R. Black
Schools Class V Locomotive - Cranleigh
Released: 1994 1995
936 S.R. Olive Green
Schools Class V Locomotive - Dover
Released: 1983
30911 B.R. Green
Schools Class V Locomotive - Dulwich
Released: 1999 2000
907 S.R. Malachite Green
Schools Class V Locomotive - Radley
Released: 1997 1998
930 S.R. Malachite Green
Schools Class V Locomotive - Repton
Released: 1983 1984 1985
926 S.R. Olive Green
Schools Class V Locomotive - Sevenoaks
Released: 2000 2001
30935 B.R. Green
Schools Class V Locomotive - Stowe
Released: 1981 1982
928 S.R. Malachite Green
Schools Class V Locomotive - Westminster
Released: 1996
30908 B.R. Green
Southern Suburban 1938 Train Pack (Class T9)
Released: 2009 2010 2011
312 S.R. Olive Green
Southern Suburban 1957 Train Pack (Schools Class - Haileybury)
Released: 2009 2010 2011
30924 B.R. Black
The Kentish Belle (Schools Class - Downside)
Released: 1998
30912 B.R. Black

4-4-0 Images (62)

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 579

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 644

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 40610

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 44

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 46

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 40634

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 645

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 40663

Class 2P Locomotive
Class 2P Locomotive 25

Class 2P Locomotive (Weathered)
Class 2P Locomotive (Weathered) 40604

Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive 1000

Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive 1000

Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive 41043

Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive
Class 4P 4-4-0 Compound Locomotive 1000

Class D49 Locomotive - Cheshire
Class D49 Locomotive - Cheshire 2753

Class D49 Locomotive - The Fitzwilliam
Class D49 Locomotive - The Fitzwilliam 359

Class D49 Locomotive - The Pytchley
Class D49 Locomotive - The Pytchley 62750

Class D49 Locomotive - Yorkshire
Class D49 Locomotive - Yorkshire 62700

Class D49/1 Locomotive - The Berkeley
Class D49/1 Locomotive - The Berkeley 222

Class D49/2 Locomotive - The Berkeley
Class D49/2 Locomotive - The Berkeley 222

Class L1 Locomotive
Class L1 Locomotive 1757

Class L1 Locomotive
Class L1 Locomotive 31757

Class T9 Locomotive
Class T9 Locomotive 729

Class T9 Locomotive
Class T9 Locomotive 30724

Class T9 Locomotive
Class T9 Locomotive 30310

Class T9 Locomotive
Class T9 Locomotive 314

Class T9 Locomotive
Class T9 Locomotive 30285

Class T9 Locomotive (Weathered)
Class T9 Locomotive (Weathered) 30726

Class T9 Locomotive - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition
Class T9 Locomotive - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition 120

County Class Locomotive - County Of Bedford
County Class Locomotive - County Of Bedford 3821

County Class Locomotive - County Of Bedford
County Class Locomotive - County Of Bedford 3821

County Class Locomotive - County Of Cornwall
County Class Locomotive - County Of Cornwall 3824

County Class Locomotive - County Of Denbigh
County Class Locomotive - County Of Denbigh 3825

County Class Locomotive - County Of Oxford
County Class Locomotive - County Of Oxford 3830

Fowler Class 2P Locomotive
Fowler Class 2P Locomotive 690

Hunt Class D49/2 Locomotive - Cattistock
Hunt Class D49/2 Locomotive - Cattistock 62758

Imperial Airways Train Pack (Class T9)
Imperial Airways Train Pack (Class T9) 338

London 1908 Train Pack (County Class - County Of Radnor)
London 1908 Train Pack (County Class - County Of Radnor) 3818

Schools Class Locomotive - Blundells
Schools Class Locomotive - Blundells 30932

Schools Class Locomotive - Brighton
Schools Class Locomotive - Brighton 30915

Schools Class Locomotive - Charterhouse
Schools Class Locomotive - Charterhouse 903

Schools Class Locomotive - Cheltenham - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition
Schools Class Locomotive - Cheltenham - National Railway Museum Collection - Special Edition 925

Schools Class Locomotive - Dulwich
Schools Class Locomotive - Dulwich 907

Schools Class Locomotive - Eton
Schools Class Locomotive - Eton 900

Schools Class Locomotive - Shrewsbury
Schools Class Locomotive - Shrewsbury 921

Schools Class Locomotive - St Lawrence
Schools Class Locomotive - St Lawrence 30934

Schools Class Locomotive - St. Pauls (DCC Locomotive with Sound)
Schools Class Locomotive - St. Pauls (DCC Locomotive with Sound) 30909

Schools Class Locomotive - Tonbridge (Royal Doulton)
Schools Class Locomotive - Tonbridge (Royal Doulton) 905

Schools Class Locomotive - Wellington
Schools Class Locomotive - Wellington 902

Schools Class Locomotive - Winchester
Schools Class Locomotive - Winchester 30901

Schools Class V Locomotive - Clifton
Schools Class V Locomotive - Clifton 30927

Schools Class V Locomotive - Cranleigh
Schools Class V Locomotive - Cranleigh 936

Schools Class V Locomotive - Dover
Schools Class V Locomotive - Dover 30911

Schools Class V Locomotive - Dulwich
Schools Class V Locomotive - Dulwich 907

Schools Class V Locomotive - Radley
Schools Class V Locomotive - Radley 930

Schools Class V Locomotive - Repton
Schools Class V Locomotive - Repton 926

Schools Class V Locomotive - Sevenoaks
Schools Class V Locomotive - Sevenoaks 30935

Schools Class V Locomotive - Stowe
Schools Class V Locomotive - Stowe 928

Schools Class V Locomotive - Westminster
Schools Class V Locomotive - Westminster 30908

Southern Suburban 1938 Train Pack (Class T9)
Southern Suburban 1938 Train Pack (Class T9) 312

Southern Suburban 1957 Train Pack (Schools Class - Haileybury)
Southern Suburban 1957 Train Pack (Schools Class - Haileybury) 30924

The Kentish Belle (Schools Class - Downside)
The Kentish Belle (Schools Class - Downside) 30912

Top 6 Models

1. Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth
2. Class A1 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
3. Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
4. Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia
5. Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star
6. L.N.E.R. Composite Coach

View the latest full Model Rankings.

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11,328 yearly Items over 57 Years.
4,069 individual Items.
3,707 Models.
362 catalogued Train Sets.
156 Train Packs.
820 Steam Locomotives.
497 Diesel Locomotives.
1,082 Passenger Coaches.
1,152 Freight Wagons.

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