

Logo & Box Style:
Train Sets: 11
Models: 121
Locomotives (All): 27
Steam Locomotives: 12
Diesel Electric Locomotives: 15
Train Packs: 1
Passenger Rolling Stock: 32
Freight Rolling Stock: 50

View 1965 Price List
1st January 1965 (UK)

1965 Train Set Images
1965 Steam Locomotive Images
1965 Diesel Electric Locomotive Images
1965 Train Pack Images
1965 Passenger Rolling Stock Images
1965 Freight Rolling Stock Images

All 1965 Images

1965 Publications

1965 Tri-ang Railways - Eleventh Edition Catalogue 11th Edition Tri-ang Railways - Eleventh Edition
1965 An Amalgamation Of Tri-ang Railways And Hornby Dublo Leaflet --- An Amalgamation Of Tri-ang Railways And Hornby Dublo

1965 Train Sets (11)

1965 RS.52 Blue Pullman Train Set
1965 RS.62 Car-A-Belle Twelve Car Set
1965 RS.30 Crash Train Set
1965 RS.29 Holiday Express Train Set
1965 RS.61 Old Smoky Train Set
1965 RS.38 Snow Rescue Train Set
1965 RS.50 The Defender Train Set
1965 RS.51 The Freightmaster Train Set
1965 RS.37 The Frontiersman Train Set
1965 RS.36 The Highwayman Train Set
1965 RS.24 The Pick-Up Train Set

1965 Steam Locomotives (12)

1965 R.355R 0-4-0 Industrial Locomotive - Polly Private Private Owner Steam Locomotive 9
1965 R.553 4-2-2 Locomotive No. 123 C.R. C.R. Blue 123
1965 R.356S Battle Of Britain Class Locomotive - Winston Churchill B.R. B.R. Green 34051
1965 R.52S Class 3F Tank Locomotive B.R. B.R. Black 47606
1965 R.251S Class 3F Tender Locomotive B.R. B.R. Black 43775
1965 R.59 Class 3MT Tank Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green 82004
1965 R.259S Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia B.R. B.R. Green 70000
1965 R.386 Class 8P Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth - Assembly Pack B.R. B.R. Green 46201
1965 R.150S Class B12 Locomotive B.R. B.R. Black 61572
1965 R.350 Class L1 Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green 31757
1965 R.653 Continental 2-6-2 Prairie Tank Locomotive T.R. T.R. Various None
1965 R.358S Davy Crockett Steam Locomotive T.R. T.R. Various 1863

1965 Diesel Electric Locomotives (15)

1965 R.353 0-4-0 Dock Shunter T.R. T.R. Various TR20071
1965 R.352 Budd Rail Diesel Car - Transcontinental T.R. T.R. Various 31018
1965 R.559 Class 06 Diesel Shunter B.R. B.R. Green D2907
1965 R.152 Class 08 0-6-0 Diesel Shunting Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green D3035
1965 R.357 Class 31 Brush (Type 2) Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green D5572
1965 R.751 Class 37 (Type 3) Co-Co Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green D6830
1965 R.753 Class E.3000 Electric Locomotive B.R. B.R. Electric Blue E3000
1965 R.351 Class EM2 Electric Locomotive - Electra B.R. B.R. Green 27000
1965 R.388 Class EM2 Electric Locomotive - Electra - Assembly Pack B.R. B.R. Blue 27000
1965 R.157 Diesel Power Car B.R. B.R. Green M79079
1965 R.555 Diesel Pullman Motor Car B.R. B.R. Blue W60095
1965 R.556 Diesel Pullman Motor Car - Non Powered B.R. B.R. Blue W60097
1965 R.158 Diesel Trailer Car - Unpowered B.R. B.R. Green M79632
1965 R.253 Dock Authority Diesel Shunter Private Private Owner Diesel Locomotive 3
1965 R.159 Transcontinental Diesel Locomotive (TR Shields) T.R. T.R. Blue 5007

1965 Train Packs (1)

1965 R.346 Stephensons Rocket Train Pack --- --- ---

1965 Passenger Rolling Stock (32)

1965 R.248 Ambulance Car --- --- None
1965 R.623 B.R. Brake 2nd Class Coach B.R. B.R. Green S34036
1965 R.423 B.R. Brake 2nd Class Coach B.R. B.R. Maroon 35024
1965 R.383 B.R. Brake 2nd Coaches x 2 - Assembly Pack B.R. B.R. Maroon 35024, 35025
1965 R.624 B.R. Buffet Car B.R. B.R. Green S1851
1965 R.424 B.R. Buffet Car B.R. B.R. Maroon 1823
1965 R.628 B.R. Buffet Car B.R. B.R. Crimson & Cream 1825
1965 R.384 B.R. Buffet Cars x 2 - Assembly Pack B.R. B.R. Maroon 1805,1807
1965 R.622 B.R. Composite Coach B.R. B.R. Green S15873
1965 R.422 B.R. Composite Coach B.R. B.R. Maroon 15685
1965 R.382 B.R. Composite Coaches x 2 - Assembly Pack B.R. B.R. Maroon 15865, 15863
1965 R.620 B.R. Engineering Department Coach B.R. B.R. Green 20
1965 R.425 B.R. Full Parcels Brake Coach B.R. B.R. Maroon 80657
1965 R.387 B.R. Full Parcels Brake Coaches x 2 - Assembly Pack B.R. B.R. Maroon 35115, 35116
1965 R.627 B.R. Main Line Brake 2nd Coach B.R. B.R. Crimson & Cream 35115, 35024
1965 R.626 B.R. Main Line Composite Coach B.R. B.R. Crimson & Cream 15918, 15865
1965 R.402 B.R. Operating Royal Mail Coach Set B.R. B.R. Maroon M30224
1965 R.339 B.R. Second Class Sleeping Car B.R. B.R. Maroon 2510
1965 R.381 B.R. Sleeping Cars x 2 - Assembly Pack B.R. B.R. Maroon 2510, 2511
1965 R.426 Blue Pullman Parlour Car B.R. B.R. Blue & Grey W60745
1965 R.427 C.R. 1st/3rd Composite Coach C.R. C.R. Crimson & Cream 7511
1965 R.428 C.R. Brake Composite Coach C.R. C.R. Crimson & Cream 7501
1965 R.334 Centre Car for Diesel Railcar B.R. B.R. Green M59120
1965 R.625 Continental Wagon-lits Sleeping Car T.R. T.R. Various None
1965 R.621 Liverpool/Manchester Railway Coach --- --- None
1965 R.448 Old Time Coach T.R. T.R. Various No.257
1965 R.228 Pullman 1st Class Car Pullman Pullman Brown & Gold Ruth
1965 R.328 Pullman Brake 2nd Class Car Pullman Pullman Brown & Gold Car No.79
1965 R.446 Transcontinental Baggage/Kitchen Car T.R. T.R. Blue None
1965 R.444 Transcontinental Coach T.R. T.R. Blue 70831
1965 R.447 Transcontinental Diner Car T.R. T.R. Blue None
1965 R.445 Transcontinental Observation Car T.R. T.R. Blue 91119

1965 Freight Rolling Stock (50)

1965 R.343 4-Rocket Launcher --- --- TR191
1965 R.340 B.R. 3 Container Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B734259
1965 R.113 B.R. Goods Wagon with Drop Sides B.R. B.R. Goods B4597
1965 R.243 B.R. Mineral Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B75201
1965 R.242 B.R. Trestrol Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B901600
1965 R.110 Bogie Bolster Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B940052
1965 R.219 Bogie Brick Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods E451004
1965 R.247 Bogie Caustic Tank Wagon - I.C.I. Private Private Owner Goods 357
1965 R.349 Bogie Chlorine Tank Wagon - Murgatroyds Private Private Owner Goods 7227
1965 R.118 Bogie Well Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods 41917
1965 R.17 Bolster Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B913011
1965 R.239 Bomb Transporter --- --- TR7190
1965 R.215 Bulk Grain Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B85040
1965 R.18 Cable Drum Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B913011
1965 R.115 Caboose T.R. T.R. Various TR7482
1965 R.342 Car Transporter with 6 Cars B.R. B.R. Goods None
1965 R.122 Cattle Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods M3713
1965 R.137 Cement Car T.R. T.R. Various TR2127
1965 R.11 Closed Van B.R. B.R. Goods W8755
1965 R.262 Continental Guards Van T.R. T.R. Various M921452
1965 R.16 E.R. Brake Van L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Goods M73031
1965 R.347 Engineering Dept Wagon B.R. B.R. Maintenance None
1965 R.249 Exploding Car --- --- 9841
1965 R.14 Fish Van B.R. B.R. Goods N6301
1965 R.348 Giraffe Car T.R. T.R. Various TR937
1965 R.112 Goods Wagon with Drop Doors B.R. B.R. Goods M2313
1965 R.128 Helicopter Car --- --- TR7301
1965 R.111 Hopper Car T.R. T.R. Various TR174421
1965 R.123 Horse Box B.R. B.R. Goods B547
1965 R.449 Old Time Caboose T.R. T.R. Various TR449
1965 R.10 Open Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods W1005
1965 R.127 Operating Crane Truck B.R. B.R. Maintenance No.127
1965 R.235 Pulp Wood Car T.R. T.R. Various T.R. 4415
1965 R.129 Refrigerator Car T.R. T.R. Various TR2690
1965 R.216 Rocket Launching Wagon --- --- M13071
1965 R.341 Searchlight Wagon --- --- TR7192
1965 R.210 Shell - B.P. Fuel Oil Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods None
1965 R.12 Shell B.P. Petrol Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 5057
1965 R.211 Shell Lubricating Oil Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods None
1965 R.117 Shell Oil Tanker Private Private Owner Goods SCCX333
1965 R.345 Side Tipping Flat Car T.R. T.R. Various TR2549
1965 R.138 Snow Plough T.R. T.R. Various TR53427
1965 R.136 Speedy Service Box Car T.R. T.R. Various TR2703
1965 R.126 Stock Car T.R. T.R. Various TR742
1965 R.344 Track Cleaning Car B.R. B.R. Maintenance T.R. 9372
1965 R.560 Transcontinental Crane Car T.R. T.R. Various 41917
1965 R.561 Tri-ang Container Wagon Private Private Owner Goods B913011
1965 R.15 United Dairies Milk Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods No.101
1965 R.124 W.R. Brake Van G.W.R. G.W.R. Goods W6297
1965 R.139 Westwood Pickles Pickle Car T.R. T.R. Various TR63551

Top 6 Models

1. Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth
2. Class A1 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
3. Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
4. Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia
5. Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star
6. L.N.E.R. Composite Coach

View the latest full Model Rankings.

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11,328 yearly Items over 57 Years.
4,069 individual Items.
3,707 Models.
362 catalogued Train Sets.
156 Train Packs.
820 Steam Locomotives.
497 Diesel Locomotives.
1,082 Passenger Coaches.
1,152 Freight Wagons.

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