Year Price List

1970 Price List

Logo & Box Style:
UK Price List Date: 1st January 1970

Train Sets: 12
Models: 113
Locomotives (All): 26
Steam Locomotives: 16
Diesel Electric Locomotives: 10
Train Packs: 2
Passenger Rolling Stock: 22
Freight Rolling Stock: 51

View 1970

1970 Train Sets with 1970 Price (12)

1970 RS.652 Diesel Pullman Set 135/-
1970 RS.605 Flying Scotsman Set 169/6
1970 RS.651 Freightmaster Set 135/-
1970 RS.600 Junior Freightliner Set 99/6
1970 RS.603 Local Diesel Set 99/6
1970 RS.604 Night Mail Set 175/-
1970 RS.624 Pick-Up Set 87/6
1970 RS.17 Satellite Set 99/6
1970 RS.602 Senior Freightliner Set 159/6
1970 RS.601 Steam Freight Set 119/6
1970 RS.16 Strike Force 10 Set 99/6
1970 --- The Flying Scotsman - Built For The Engineer Set ---

1970 Steam Locomotives with 1970 Price (16)

1970 R.355R 0-4-0 Industrial Locomotive - Polly Private Owner Steam Locomotive 9 43/-
1970 R.355G 0-4-0 Private Owners Industrial Locomotive Private Owner Steam Locomotive 27 43/-
1970 R.869S Battle Of Britain Class Locomotive - Winston Churchill S.R. Malachite Green 21C151 105/-
1970 R.52S Class 3F Tank Locomotive B.R. Black 47606 53/-
1970 R.59S Class 3MT Tank Locomotive B.R. Green 82004 73/-
1970 R.259S Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia B.R. Green 70000 109/-
1970 R.386G Class 8P Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth - Assembly Pack B.R. Green 46201 70/-
1970 R.855 Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman L.N.E.R. Apple Green 4472 107/-
1970 R.850 Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman B.R. Green 60103 107/-
1970 R.866S Class B12 Locomotive L.N.E.R. Apple Green 8509 82/6
1970 R.150S Class B12 Locomotive B.R. Black 61572 77/-
1970 R.868 Class M7 Tank Locomotive S.R. Malachite Green 328 65/-
1970 R.754 Class M7 Tank Locomotive B.R. Black 30027 62/-
1970 R.864 Coronation Class 8P Locomotive - Coronation L.M.S. Blue 6220 ---
1970 R.759G Hall Class Locomotive - Albert Hall G.W.R. Green 4983 75/-
1970 R.258G Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth L.M.S. Crimson 6201 77/-

1970 Diesel Electric Locomotives with 1970 Price (10)

1970 R.753 A.E.1 Type AL1 Electric Locomotive B.R. Blue E3001 83/-
1970 R.752 Battle Space Turbo Car Battle Space Various None 38/-
1970 R.357 Brush Type 2 Diesel Electric Locomotive B.R. Blue D5572 65/-
1970 R.152 Class 08 0-6-0 Diesel Shunter B.R. Blue D3035 49/6
1970 R.758 Class 35 Hymek (Type 3) Locomotive B.R. Blue D7063 75/-
1970 R.396 Class 35 Hymek Locomotive - Assembly Pack B.R. Blue D7063 67/-
1970 R.751 Class 37 (Type 3) Co-Co Locomotive B.R. Blue D6830 73/-
1970 R.351 Class EM2 Electric Locomotive - Electra B.R. Blue E27000 83/-
1970 R.388U Class EM2 Electric Locomotive - Electra - Assembly Pack B.R. Blue 27000 79/-
1970 R.253 Dock Authority Diesel Shunter Private Owner Diesel Locomotive 3 47/-

1970 Train Packs with 1970 Price (2)

1970 R.555C Diesel Electric Two Car Pullman B.R. Grey & Blue W60095 W60747 97/-
1970 R.157C Diesel Railcar Train B.R. Blue M79079 M79632 ---

1970 Passenger Rolling Stock with 1970 Price (22)

1970 R.728 B.R. Brake Second Class Coach B.R. Blue & Grey 35024 18/6
1970 R.729 B.R. Buffet Car B.R. Blue & Grey 1825 18/6
1970 R.727 B.R. Composite Coach B.R. Blue & Grey 15865 18/6
1970 R.425 B.R. Full Parcels Brake Coach B.R. Blue & Grey 80657 16/6
1970 R.723 B.R. Inter-City Brake First Coach B.R. Blue & Grey M14052 27/-
1970 R.722 B.R. Inter-City Second Class Coach B.R. Blue & Grey M5120 27/-
1970 R.402M B.R. Operating Royal Mail Coach Set B.R. Blue & Grey M30224 37/-
1970 R.339 B.R. Second Class Sleeping Car B.R. Blue & Grey 2510 ---
1970 R.725 Command Car Battle Space Various D-778 29/6
1970 R.333 G.W.R. Brake Third Clerestory Coach G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 2316 16/-
1970 R.744 G.W.R. Corridor Brake 3rd Coach G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 5104 18/6
1970 R.743 G.W.R. Corridor Composite Coach G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 5015 18/6
1970 R.332 G.W.R. Third Class Clerestory Coach G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 5017 16/-
1970 R.423A L.M.S. Corridor Brake 1st Coach L.M.S. Crimson 5051 17/-
1970 R.422A L.M.S. Corridor Full 3rd Coach L.M.S. Crimson 2257 17/-
1970 R.746 L.N.E.R. Corridor Brake 3rd Coach L.N.E.R. Teak 1870 16/-
1970 R.745 L.N.E.R. Corridor Full 3rd Coach L.N.E.R. Teak 1010 16/-
1970 R.228 Pullman 1st Class Car Pullman Brown & Gold Ruth 18/6
1970 R.328 Pullman Brake 2nd Class Car Pullman Brown & Gold Car No.79 18/6
1970 R.426 Pullman Parlour Car B.R. Grey & Blue W60745 20/-
1970 R.623A S.R. Corridor Brake 3rd Coach S.R. Olive Green 4351 17/-
1970 R.622A S.R. Corridor Composite Coach S.R. Olive Green 5015 17/-

1970 Freight Rolling Stock with 1970 Price (51)

1970 R.738 Anglo Continental Ferry Van B.R. Goods GB787102 ---
1970 R.341 Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Wagon Battle Space Various None 27/6
1970 R.568 Assault Tank Transporter Battle Space Various None 19/6
1970 R.16 B.R. 20 Ton Brake Van B.R. Goods B952698 7/6
1970 R.340 B.R. 3 Container Wagon B.R. Goods B734259 7/-
1970 R.666 B.R. Cartic Articulated Car Carrier B.R. Goods None 39/6
1970 R.14 B.R. Fish Van B.R. Goods N6307 6/-
1970 R.113 B.R. Goods Wagon with Drop Sides B.R. Goods B4597 6/6
1970 R.214 B.R. Hopper Wagon B.R. Goods B35000 8/6
1970 R.243 B.R. Mineral Wagon B.R. Goods B75201 6/6
1970 R.226 B.R. Utility Van (Blue) B.R. Goods S2355S 16/6
1970 R.11 B.R. Ventilated Van with Opening Doors B.R. Goods B784287 7/6
1970 R.128 Battle Rescue Helicopter Car Battle Space Various None 19/-
1970 R.564 Blue Circle Cement Wagon Private Owner Goods None 8/6
1970 R.563 Bogie Bolster Wagon with 3 Minix Ford Vans B.R. Goods B940052 15/-
1970 R.349 Bogie Chlorine Tank Wagon - Murgatroyds Private Owner Goods 7227 15/-
1970 R.668 Bowaters China Clay Slurry Wagon Private Owner Goods 1025 9/6
1970 R.18 Cable Drum Wagon B.R. Goods B913011 8/6
1970 R.342 Car Transporter with 6 Cars B.R. Goods None 18/-
1970 R.562 Catapault Plane Launch Car Battle Space Various None 18/-
1970 R.122 Cattle Wagon B.R. Goods M3713 8/-
1970 R.249 Exploding Car Battle Space Various 9841 18/-
1970 R.17 Flat Wagon with Car Load B.R. Goods B913011 7/-
1970 R.633 Freightliner Wagon B.R. Container None 19/6
1970 R.634 Freightliner Wagon - 2 30ft Containers - Containerway & Pickfords B.R. Container None 19/6
1970 R.719 Freightliner Wagon - 2 30ft Containers - Ford & Sainsburys B.R. Container None 19/6
1970 R.677 Freightliner Wagon - 2 30ft Containers - Fyffes & Manchester Lines B.R. Container None 19/6
1970 R.678 Freightliner Wagon - 3 20ft Containers - B.P. Chemicals, Open & Freightliners B.R. Container None 18/-
1970 R.632 Freightliner Wagon - 3 20ft Open Containers B.R. Container None 14/6
1970 R.635 Freightliner Wagon - 3 20ft Tank Containers - B.P. Chemicals B.R. Container None 18/-
1970 R.637 Freightliner Wagon - 3 20ft Tank Containers - Harold Wood B.R. Container None 18/-
1970 R.112 Goods Wagon with Drop Doors B.R. Goods M2313 6/6
1970 R.123 Horse Box B.R. Goods B547 8/-
1970 R.648 Johnnie Walker Bulk Grain Wagon Private Owner Goods 5833 10/6
1970 R.219 London Brick Company Brick Truck Private Owner Goods None 9/-
1970 R.10 Open Wagon B.R. Goods W1005 5/-
1970 R.127 Operating Crane Truck B.R. Maintenance No.127 20/-
1970 R.630 P.O.W. Car Battle Space Various 334 13/-
1970 R.567 Radar Tracking Command Car Battle Space Various None 19/-
1970 R.239 Red Arrow Bomb Transporter Battle Space Various None 14/-
1970 R.669 Shell 100 Ton Oil Tanker Private Owner Goods 2309 ---
1970 R.12 Shell Petrol Tank Wagon Private Owner Goods 5057 8/-
1970 R.639 Sniper Car Battle Space Various D-459 19/6
1970 R.566 Spy Satellite Launcher Battle Space Various None 18/6
1970 R.216 Tactical Rocket Launcher Battle Space Various None 16/6
1970 R.631 Tank Recovery Wagon Battle Space Various None 19/-
1970 R.344 Track Cleaning Car B.R. Maintenance T.R. 9372 12/-
1970 R.561 Tri-ang Container Wagon Private Owner Goods B913011 8/-
1970 R.15 United Dairies Milk Tank Wagon Private Owner Goods No.101 8/-
1970 R.649 Vat 69 Bulk Grain Wagon Private Owner Goods 5820 10/6
1970 R.124 W.R. Brake Van G.W.R. Goods W6297 8/6

Top 6 Models

1. Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth
2. Class A1 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
3. Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
4. Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia
5. Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star
6. L.N.E.R. Composite Coach

View the latest full Model Rankings.

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11,328 yearly Items over 57 Years.
4,069 individual Items.
3,707 Models.
362 catalogued Train Sets.
156 Train Packs.
820 Steam Locomotives.
497 Diesel Locomotives.
1,082 Passenger Coaches.
1,152 Freight Wagons.

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